Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I want to serve, but I am not sure what I would be good at doing?

A: This is a totally normal question, and one we would love to help you answer! If you aren't sure what you are good at or where you would like to serve, please contact Landon Baker and she can help you!


Q: What if I start serving with a ministry and it just isn't a fit for me?

A: We really want you to feel excited about serving, and like it's a fit for you. If you begin serving and find that it doesn't work for you, please contact the leader you are serving with or Landon Baker right away. We can help you find the right fit here!


Q: How long am I being asked to serve for?

A: It depends on the role you are serving in. Some positions require a longer commitment (such as being a leader for a life stage group) and some can be short-term (praying during the week for prayer requests, Connections, etc)


Q: Do I need to fill out an application to serve?

A: It depends. Some ways to serve (such as leading a Community Group or a small group for Junior High or High School) do require that you fill out an application and get approved to serve. Other ways to serve (such as the Guest Services team, the Crew, etc), do not require an application.


Q: Do I need to be a "member" to serve? 

A: No! We invite anyone who attends Vintage Faith to get involved with serving. We don't require everyone who serves to be a "member," but we do asking those who commit to the mission through membership to be serving in some way!


If you would like to sign up for a ministry or have a question about serving at Vintage Faith, please send us an email using the form below!