Missional: being others-focused, with the goal of expressing and sharing the love of Jesus with the world around us.

The church was never meant to be withdrawn, isolated or to exist only to meet its own needs. Instead, the church is to be in the world, but not of the world (John 17). Being "missional" means that we will exist for the sake of inviting others into a relationship with God and Kingdom living. Vintage Faith doesn't have a missions department; it is mission.

"..you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
- Acts 1:8

To grow our MISSION:

  • We will take the commands of Jesus seriously and do whatever it takes to see others experience the Kingdom of God and the good news of Jesus

  • We will remain pure and holy, yet never disconnecting from the culture around us

  • We will passionately strive to see those who have rejected the Christian faith experience the light and love of Jesus through us

  • We will see missions as holistic -- both local and global and involved in social justice issues

  • We will continue to develop the Abbey Coffee, Art and Music Lounge as an art gallery, coffeehouse, and music venue in order to be a positive light in our city

  • We will eventually focus on developing a ministry specifically geared for UCSC and partner with existing ministries, such as Intervarsity

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