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Abraham: A Field Guide to Loving God

The giant Cosmic story told by the Bible is one of God's desire to be with His people. The idea of humans ‘living life with God and learning to love Him’ is one of the main points of the entire Bible, and a major thrust of Jesus’ life and words and teachings. Nearly every church asserts that its primary goal is to help people “love God.” What does that mean, exactly?

Often, when people hear the term ‘love God’ they interpret it to mean something like, ‘read your Bible’ or ‘pray’ or more simply ‘attend weekend gatherings’. It’s usually not clearly defined, and it's certainly not actionable. This is compounded by the fact that the English word ‘love’ itself is so elastic in its meaning as it can be used with great intention and flippantly in the same breath.

Join us as we examine the life of Abraham. In the ups-and-downs of his story, we discover a helpful, real-world definition of what it means to LOVE GOD. And by examining four key moments Abraham’s life, we also see four key ways that Abraham lived out what it means to love God - giving us a model for our lives, too.